Monday, February 27, 2012

Running Health Benefits: A Quick Rundown

Why run? There are innumerable reasons. But the number one reason you should consider is the many running health benefits you can obtain every time you run. Now that busy and cramped lifestyles are pushing people to become more sedentary, running provides an easy and fuss-free avenue to getting fit and healthier. But although running proves to be tedious and rigorous, all the sweat is worth the following physical benefits:

1. Healthier heart
Your heart is responsible for pumping blood to carry oxygen to the body. When you run, you cause your heart to work harder, pumping more blood. Over time, running makes your heart more efficient so that even if you are at rest, your heart is pumping more blood with each heart beat. The arteries also benefits from running. As you run, the arteries become more elastic and more able to flush out the fatty deposits that may have developed in you the walls of the arteries and that could potentially obstruct the delivery of blood to the heart. If not addressed, these obstructions in the blood’s pathway can cause heart attack.

2. Lower blood pressure
As a result of elastic arteries, blood pressure among runners is usually low. In fact, a study involving an observation of long distance runners showed that these runners recorded almost a 50% decrease in the blood pressure. Their use of medications to lower blood pressure was also reported to have over 50% reduction.

3. Lower cholesterol
Also according to a study, runners generally have lower cholesterol. When running, HDL cholesterol (the good fat) level increases, while the bad fat and triglyceride levels decrease. This results in reduced risk of heart diseases.

4. Stronger lungs
Running makes your body more in need of oxygen, prompting your lungs to work harder by using 50% of otherwise unused lung potential. Running also increases the number of your capillaries, the tiny blood vessels through which blood passes to the lungs, and carries out respiratory functions more efficiently. The lungs then, when exposed to regular running, improve and eventually get used to working harder. The result is efficient breathing whether you are running or idle.

5. Firmer muscles
The most obvious benefit of running is toner and firmer muscles. This is because when running, you expose them to constant and rigorous activity and leave them fit and stronger. Regular running also improves muscular strength and endurance, making you more adept at handling activities that require a great deal of physical efforts.

6. Stronger bones
Although widely associated with age, osteoporosis, a condition characterized by hollow and brittle bones, is pointed to be the result of lack of exercise. Running can decrease your chances of suffering from osteoporosis and other bone problems. By keeping them always at work, joints and bones develop flexibility, endurance, and strength.

7. Better bowel movement
Among the running health benefits, improved bowel movement is perhaps the least known. By increasing breathing, running helps in the wavelike movement of the bowels, making them easy to release. This prevents constipation and hemorrhoids.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Running as Part of Weight Loss Systems

There are logically numerous weight loss systems these days that are introduced and marketed to help people trim fats and excessive pounds. Many people note that these weight management systems are impressive and are well targeted.

 The most popular and proven effective are those that involve physical activities like regular walking and running. More emphasis is given to running, which is identified by experts as a good form of aerobic or cardiovascular exercise.

Perhaps, peoples' greatest concern now aside from earning more money is to have a perfect shape or a sexy body. And because fashion and sexiness have always been associated with well-maintained bodies, people think being skinny or slim is equivalent to being sexy and beautiful.

 Do not be surprised to see more people running around the open park especially in the morning. Running is a cost effective way to sweat and bring about cardiovascular challenge to the body.

Running is as effective as using a tread mill. In fact, this exercise machine has been developed and manufactured to facilitate running indoors. You must be wondering why tread mills do not fail to be included in basic gym facilities. Indeed, running is a good form of exercise.

 It is effective in making people sweat and in the process speed up metabolism of stored fats and calories.

Losing weight is not as easy as anyone could think. You would surely assert that it is far easier to gain weight than to lose it. How could you find and get the perfect weight loss systems that would help you attain your target weight? Choose programs that not only focus on diets. Systems with recommended physical activities and exercises like running would truly be more effective.

Because there are many weight loss systems now available and introduced in the market, all you have to do is to collect and then choose the system that would go with your preferences and lifestyle. There are weight loss systems that are too strict, while there are others that are easier to take.

 Some weight loss systems would recommend or mandate taking in diet pills or a weight loss supplement to suppress appetite. As mentioned, on top of the drugs, there would also be recommended exercises to be executed regularly, plus nutritional or diet plans.

If you are taking a weight loss system, it would be important to abide by the recommendations. Strictly following instructions and mandates of such weight loss programs would be of great help in ensuring that you would eventually attain your target weight. Incorporate daily, yet simple exercises into your lifestyle. Running in the neighborhood every morning is a good aerobic and cardiovascular workout to help the body accelerate metabolism and fat burning.

To choose the best weight loss systems, you could ask your friends or doctors for recommendation. Other than that, weight loss program providers usually heavily advertise their weight loss systems so you would not miss the programs. Online ad pages would also help you choose and purchase the weight loss system you are eyeing. Take note that the systems would surely help you get that ideal weight you are aiming to have.

If running, walking, or doing simple physical exercises are required by the systems perform the exercise tasks regularly. Nobody said losing weight would be easy. It could be hard to shed off excess weight but it would be obviously and logically be worth it.

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Why Should You Try Eating Food Raw As Part of Your Detox Diet

Are you concerned about your health? Chances are you will say yes but are you really doing anything about it? If you want to remove those toxins that are collecting in your system, one method you can try is known as the Raw Food Detox Diet.

The Raw Food Detox Diet happens to be one of the most popular diets around. This is because while many will only let you lose weight, none of them are specifically designed to help you get rid of these harmful toxins.

But why eat raw food when you can cook it ? This is because when food is prepared and then cooked, some of the nutrients and vitamins which are also important for the body are lost.

What is even more astonishing is the fact that when it is cooked, you changed its natural state. Thus, new chemicals are created and the natural enzymes are destroyed.

When you take it out of the pan and put it on your plate, it somehow slows your metabolism and impedes certain primary functions of the body  especially the flushing and detox functions of the organs.

If this does not yet convince you that eating raw food is much better than cooked ones, note that the raw food diet boosts your immune system, may help decrease or increase weight and again, detoxifies your body.

Compared to an average meal consisting of animal flesh which normally takes 8 hours to digest, the only thing it gives you is energy to burn what you ate and nothing else.

It may a significant change for you to eat food raw when you are used to eating it cooked. This is why the switch should be done gradually like having a quarter of the food cooked while the remainder is raw. Who knows? You may like to eat raw food that will give you the complete nutritional value found in each one.

The detox diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables only lasts a few days. When it is all over, you can go back to eating other solid foods including fish, chicken and meat. You may even want to mix a few raw dishes sometimes like sushi which is also great to eat.

Before you start eating raw food, you have to prepare yourself both physically and mentally for what is about to happen next. You can prepare physically by starting an exercise routine and cutting down on certain food and then substituting it with beans, organic fruits and vegetables.

Although detox diets are generally safe, it will still be a good idea to consult your doctor because you could be one of those individuals that are not cut out for the program.

People who should not try the detox diet in any form include pregnant or nursing mothers, those who have just undergone surgery and individuals that have been diagnosed with certain medical conditions. If you insist on trying it, make sure that this is being done under medical supervision.

Eating food raw may be different but it is one way to get all the essentials you need to detoxify your system. Will it be challenging? Yes during the first day since there is a lot of adjustment involved but if you are able to stick to it, then you will surely feel good thereafter.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why Do We Need To Detoxify Our Bodies?

Detoxification (Detox): Is the removal of toxic substances from the body. This is mainly performed by the liver and kidneys. When the kidneys are not functioning correctly or not working at all an artificial technique called dialysis is used.

Why do we need to detoxify our bodies? Due to many elements our bodies are subjected to toxins. Sometimes these toxins accumulate in the body and make us sick. Therefore it is advisable to detoxify our bodies when this happens. There are several ways this can be done.

One of the most common ways is to modify your diet. This is known as a detox diet. Many people do this on a regular basis. They find it not only improves overall health but results in increased energy, helps your immune system and can also help in weight loss. Different diets commonly used are:

Fasting or abstinence of food- is a very common way of detoxing the body. Some just drink water others only juice. This can usually be done over a period of 24-48 hours.

Increased consumption of fish
Different combinations of foods
Eating foods which are high in antitoxins

How do we detoxify our bodies? The liver is the main organ that helps us deal with toxins in the body. There are 2 phases:

Phase 1: This is when the liver, by a chain of chemical processes, changes the toxic substance into a less toxic one. When this process takes place substances called free radicals are released into the body. These are potentially harmful to the body. Certain types of foods contain antitoxins that help us keep the body safe from these free radicals.

Phase 2: The liver cells then add a substance to the toxin to make it water soluble and allow it to be filtered out by the kidneys in the urine. They are also eradicated in the feces. Certain foods can help in this process.

Foods that contain antitoxins:

Beets,contain a variety of substances that help cut down damage caused by free radicals. They contain antitoxins such as beta-carotene, carotenoids and flavonoids, that help the body heal itself.

Broccoli have Vitamin C and B These vitamins help the liver in the phase 1 process.

Spinach has vitamin B and folic acid, used in phase 1 by the liver.

Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant. They are also a good source of vitamin E and C, which are both used, in the liver’s detoxifying process.

Brown Rice provides B vitamins and the antioxidant selenium.

Carrots contain beta-carotene and other carotenoids.

Eggs supply B vitamins.

Garlic has selenium and glutathione, both of which act as antioxidants.

Wheat germ contains selenium and vitamin E which are a good source of phytochemicals.

Melons and peppers and citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C.

Tomatillos, papaya, plantains, carambola, and guava are good sources of the antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C.

Caution should be exercised in detoxifying dieting to ensure that toxins are not released into the body more rapidly than the body can eliminate them. When this happens the condition is called the Herxheimer reaction. Symptoms include, nausea, vomiting and headaches. Some things that may help are:

Drinking a lot of clean water
Taking light exercise
Detoxifying slowly

Detoxifying your body can be beneficial to your health but you need to be careful when doing this. If necessary consult your doctor to be sure that there is no underlying problem that can be worsened by this process. Many people do experience beneficial symptoms from detox diets and make them a regular part of their eating habits.

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