The search for a way to stop snoring is big business. Pharmaceutical companies have spent who knows how much on sprays, head aids, pillows and substitute treatments and therapies to help sufferers stop snoring - but do they work.
Well, my own experience is that some do and some don’t. The most successful ones seem to be those that make you so uncomfortable at night that it’s impractical to sleep, let alone snore. If sleep withdrawal is the tactic - then some have cured me in a single day!!
On a more somber note - it is important not to be taken in by the newest spray or miracle liquid remedy that emerges. Let’s face facts - this is business to an awful lot of people, and as business goes, repeat customers bring in the most bucks.
You see - it’s not just the snoring prevention business that suffers this dilemma - it is part of any benefit making company that seeks to bring treatment for any weakness or problem. In short - they need you to keep a certain level of torment - and at the same time they need you to see some progress from their product. It’s a fine balancing act.
So how is this achieved? Well very simply put - if you treat the symptom and not the cause then you will have needy customers. For example - if a snoring spray, strip or aid artificially changes something for the night then you will need to keep buying it. You will become a lifelong customer - now that’s great business!!
Don’t be fooled - the vast greater part (if not all) of these companies want to make money and they are in business and it is big business. If they found a permanent cure - then their market would finally dry up. It is in their interest to maintain your problem with snoring and yet make you feel that you are being paid some incessant profit from their product.
Now all this begs the question “What is the origin problem and how can I deal with that?” I guess that’s the sixty four million dollar question. And even though the question is expensive the answer is free!! Most snoring problems are rooted in an hindrance in the breathing passage. Get rid of the obstruction and you get rid of the problem. How do you get rid of the difficulty? There is a way with no surgery, no aids, no medication and no strips - it’s exercise. Most snoring is was the cause of by an hindrance that comes from over relaxed muscles in the throat and breathing apparatuses - and you may be astonished to know that very few professional singers snore. Why? Because they repeatedly exercise the correct muscles.
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