While your learning to live a life free of the eating of meat and possibly a meat byproducts like eggs and milk is not a eating disability, it is an eating limitation. If you had a food allergy, possibly to shell fish and you were going to stay as a house guest with someone, you would not feel any guilt letting them know your trouble. If you can put your vegetarian lifestyle in that situation and prepare for your visit accordingly, there doesn’t have to be any "shame" or guilt or problems bringing up your dietary needs with your host.
Your host, after all, unsurprisingly wants you to enjoy your stay in their home. Anyone who is hosting has a natural instinct to make your stay secure and wonderful. You can exploit on that instinct and be polite about the need your host has to make your stay go well but working with your host to let him or her know about your vegetarian diet and how it might force food setting up.
When you get the request to come for a stay, that is the time to converse what you can and cannot eat in your vegetarian restraint. If you just avoid meat and not dairy and meat byproducts, it is very likely your host or hostess can set up their regular meals but also put together a small main dish that fits your diet needs. And you can enjoy the vegetable side dishes all you want so by working with your hosts, you can easily combine how you eat into their meal planning and not disrupt the visit.
But also be conscious that there are items that your host may not supply that you may wish to bring with you or go get after your arrival. If you need soy milk because cows milk is not part of your diet schedule, by all means bring that in so your hosts are attentive you are taking care of your own needs. Just let them know what you are as long as for yourself and if the communication goes well, you can be accommodated and your hosts will be grateful that you did not see it as their job to supply for every piece of your vegetarian program.
The other side of being a good house guest and not letting your vegetarian way of life be a crisis is to be both open about your discipline and not negative or "preachy" to others about the fact that they have not made the same diet conclusions you have made. In fact, you might even offer to arrange an fully vegetarian meal for the host family and your own one night just to make obvious to them just how pleasant and tasty meat free eating can be. You may be surprised just how attracted and fascinated your friends and family are about your diet and why you are a vegetarian. And by being friendly, open, loving and easy to talk to, you make the visit more attractive, fun and warm and you may even be able to educate your hosts and maybe your own family about why your vegetarian way of life is a good quality one.