Monday, February 28, 2011

10 Easy Ideas to Eat Your Approach to Lower Cholesterol.

Do you have high cholesterol and need to lower it? That is no surprise taking into consideration how many people have high cholesterol these days. To help lower your cholesterol, here are 10 suggestions you can get started with today.

As with anything health connected, diet and exercise are the two crucial mechanism. What you eat is decisive to lowering your cholesterol levels, so that is what is included here.

One thing you should know is the difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol. Merely think of HDL as "healthy" and LDL as "lousy." HDL can essentially help carry cholesterol out of your blood vessels while LDL allows it to deposit inside your highway walls.

The good news is that you can modify your cholesterol for the better. Here is how to do just that:

1. Have a nice sandwich on whole wheat bread or a pita with some lean turkey and lots of fresh veggies. Skip the hot dogs, bologna, and salami, and hold the Mayo. All of those are highly prepared and filled with fat and cholesterol.

2. Fish, like salmon, is good. Look for wild red salmon kinds, which are very high in Omega-3 fatty acids (good fat.) Also, flax seed is a good source of Omega-3s.

3. Avoid Trans fats! Not only do they elevate the lousy LDL cholesterol, they can also lower your HDL levels! Stay away from foods like margarine, shortening, and harvested foods containing incompletely hydrogenated soybean oil.

4. Go ahead, go nuts! Look for walnuts mainly but also try almonds, macadamia nuts, cashews, and pecans. Nuts are high in fat, but it's the good kind. (Also, use natural peanut butter instead of the normal kind which consists of unhealthy Trans fats.)

5. Threshold desserts and try to eat only the healthier ones like angel food cake, graham crackers, Jell-O, and fat-free frozen yogurt.

6. Eat foods that are high in fiber. Examples take in whole wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, beans, and some cereals. (Look for the boxes that say "may help lower cholesterol.")

7. Use the grill. If you're going to have steak or burgers, grill them at home and use lean meat. This observe avoids the grease, is fun, and the meat tastes great.

8. Find a new salad dressing. Most of them are full of Trans fats and cholesterol. Olive oil is good, and maybe add vinegar or lemon juice. Also, skip the bacon bits, croutons, and egg yolks.

9. Go overboard on fruits and vegetables. They contain no cholesterol and they have lots of nutritional value like antioxidants.

Here are some examples: green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, apples, oranges, mangos, papaya, pineapple, tomato, garlic, onions, spinach, water chestnuts, bananas, apricots, blueberries, and kiwi.

10. Avoid fast food like french fries and anything else from the deep fryer. Those foods will lift your cholesterol like crazy, so stay away from the burger joints if you can.

11. Bonus tip: Use spices like pepper and oregano to add flavor to your dishes. They are a healthy substitute to other toppings like Mayo.

That was easy, wasn't it? Just make some of these changes and get plenty of exercise like walking, jogging, swimming, or playing basketball. You will have lower cholesterol in no time!

For more information visit

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Your Vegetarian Baby

Most of us have to make a transition from a meat eating diet to a vegetarian one. And while the outcome is one you are happy about, that transition is sometimes difficult. And once you have made the conversion, its easy to apologize for the years you were a meat eater. So if you were able to maintain a good vegetarian diet all the way through pregnancy, you are in the position to start your child off in life as a unadulterated vegetarian with no before exposure to meat at all. What a fantastic gift.

Now whether you make a decision to breast feed is very much an individual choice and may be driven by your ability physically. If you do go that way, you can continue the higher vitamin levels that your pregnancy in your diet. By keeping your diet pure and of a high vitamin at ease, you are long-term to pass that good worth vegetarian diet on to your baby each week he or she depends on you for breast milk.

Your vegetarian grocery or market will be a huge benefit to you in finding formulation and baby foods to turn to when the time to wean the baby comes along. Soy formulas are a great way to keep the protein and vitamin class high in baby's first foods and still stay away from anything animal interrelated. In adding together to your vegetarian market, the internet is full of great information about how to provide your baby with great vegetarian formulation early in life. Coalesce that with the advice you can get from other vegetarian mothers who have gone down this trail before you and you have great wealth to draw on to give your baby just what she needs in these first months.

You may get some counsel from those who are not in touch with the vegetarian lifestyle to put the child on cows milk as a next step from breast milk. But be sure you hold your ground because this transition is a grave one and your plans to raise your children in a unadulterated vegetarian or vegan house depend on keeping to your plans and not going to cows milk in the little one's youth.

Also do not agree to too much iron in your babies diet. The higher iron in your system helped your toddler be born with a surplus so you can ease off on that level of vitamin satisfied during the first months of life. This is why soy formulation is a good choice because the vitamin happy is a good fit to what your baby needs. However do not give the baby soy milk but stick with modified baby products for the first year. Soy milk is not planned for newborns.

Around six months of age, you can start to give your baby vegetable based cereals. Rice cereal is a great choice as it is the right uniformity for a little one to digest. Again, you can find good nutritious baby foods to use for the first year in your vegetarian market or you can get good with your food CPU and create your own baby foods for her from fresh produce. That is the best way because all of the nutrition is there right out of the food processor.

You already have a good feel for the best combos of foods from your own vegetarian diet and the diet you have your children on if they too are vegetarians so you can adapt those recipes to fit what you prepare for baby. But don’t neglect to continue your education by finding vegetarian based baby books about introducing all natural foods to your child as each month goes by.

By being careful, there is no reason you cannot take your baby from birth through toddlerhood using all natural, vegetarian recipes all the way. The little one will develop a natural love of vegetable flavors and he or she will be off and running on all-time love of foods that are not from the meat food groups at all.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Teenage Vegetarian

Because the younger age band is habitually more in touch with world culture than adults, teenagers are in general more attuned to the environmental movement, to issues connecting organic farming and with the reasons for becoming a vegetarian.

So as more and more teenagers research with vegetarianism, the better knowledgeable they are about what it in reality means to live meat free, the better. Then even if they do not continue their lifestyle as a vegetarian, their knowledge was an educational one and they will be well conversant should be chose to continue as a vegetarian in later life.

For parents of teenagers who wish to explore the vegetarian lifestyle, there are more reasons to celebrate than worry. There are numerous health benefits to on the rise a vegetarian diet and if their new interest reduces the amount of fast food and junk food they eat, that's a good thing. You will obviously worry if your teenager is getting enough protein if they give up the eating of meat. By helping them learn about a well rounded vegetarian or vegetarian diet, they can receive all of their nutritional needs from natural foods and comprehend the many benefits of a vegetarian life along the way.

A basic level of information your teen should become educated about early on is the an assortment of scales of severity that they can "go for" in their move into a vegetarian lifestyle. Many times a teenager just wants to be able to stake the allege to being a vegetarian. In that case, basically giving up meat may be plenty. It is probable to design a program like that and still enjoy cheese, eggs, fish and diary and the transition to such a diet is not as extreme.

Another word of caution that your teen may take to heart if they seek adult counsel about trying a vegetarian lifestyle is the involvedness of making the transition. Teenagers are obviously spontaneous and tremendous so they may just "go vegetarian" in one day so they can go to school and lay allege to the title. But they can still have that reward and plan to effortlessness into a vegetarian restraint and avoid the problems that an severe change of diet can cause, more than ever for active teen bodies. For example, even if the new teen vegetarian just excludes meat from one meal, that still counts as starting their conduit toward a meat free life. And if that is not enough for your youngster, just cutting meat out of lunch and dinner may be enough.

One of the biggest worries that you should help your teen be ware of is their vitamin needs in any new diet program. While a switch to a total vegetable diet will have many optimistic influences, you should make sure they are getting enough protein and other vital vitamins that they used to get from meat in their diet. Calcium, B12, zinc and iron are all critical vitamins mainly to young people that must be found elsewhere if they come to a decision to stop eating meat. You can help your teenager enjoy a successful exploration of the vegetarian lifestyle and not face health hazards by just being aware of their vitamin needs and making sure they get those vitamins in pill form until their food replacement program gets them way they need.

It’s a tough walk to guide a teenager through an interest in a vegetarian life because it is possible that many of the new foods they will have to get used to may not have the right tastes which will tempt them to give up the program. While as a parent you can have an influence over making their home life vegetarian diet a accomplishment, you may need to help them understand that their choices are limited when eating out so they are prepared to make the sacrifice for the sake of staying within their vegetarian suggestions.

Even though teenagers are habitual and great, deep down they do not want to get sick or eat the wrong things. It’s a balancing act to allow they to try things like becoming a vegetarian and for us as parents to both do all we can to make it a good knowledge but also to bring the knowledge they count on their elders for so they can explore the vegetarian lifestyle fully and then walk away form it if they wish and have learned a little bit about vegetarians along the way.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Way of life of a Vegetarian

One of the biggest injustices that the vegetarian interest group has endured is that in in style culture, the image of a vegetarian is that of a revolutionary hippy or cult member who is "off the deep end" and cannot think about anything else besides "saving a cow" and pushing vegetarianism on everyone he meets. The truth is that the standard of living of a vegetarian is not that different than everyone else in the culture. In fact, the likelihood are that somewhere in your social sphere at work, school, church or in your family and friends network, you already know several people who are gently enjoying the daily activities of a vegetarian. So to help us get over the negative stereotypes to understand how a vegetarian really lives, lets observe what is different about a vegetarians life.

The most momentous difference in how a vegetarian lives is noticeable because it is in how he or she eats. You will not find any meat in a vegetarian's kitchen. Now this doesn’t mean that a vegetarian cannot live in a family and be at peace with meat eaters. If the home has one vegetarian but others who are not, you will be able to tell from the being there of soy and perhaps more fruit and fresh vegetables in the refrigerator. But the idea that vegetarians cannot be around meat eaters is fake. If anything vegetarians are peace loving and can live their way of life around others who are not of their belief arrangement very well.

Grocery shopping with a vegetarian is an eye opening experience and one that is quite different in more ways than you would believe. Being a vegetarian isn't just about what you don't eat in that you don't eat meat. It is also about a utterly different come up to to diet and foods. So you will not see a vegetarian buying food in the same way most people do. There will be much more time spent in the fresh produce segment of the grocery store. The checkout basket of a vegetarian will give him or her away every time because it will be brimful with fresh foods.

But shopping for food with a vegetarian means shopping in other places than the local grocery store. It means buying grains and beans in bulk at a warehouse store because that is one way that a vegetarian maintains health by replacing the protein and other nutrients that the rest of the world gets from meat and changing it with proteins from beans and other natural foods. It also means shopping in farmer's markets and even shopping in a vegetarian line store for some high nutrition meat substitutes like tofu.

The vegetarian society is in harmony with many of the earth first movements such as the organic movement and the green lobby group. So a vegetarian kitchen will have more organic foods on hand to condense the presence of harmful pesticides and other ingredients in the diet. Also vegetarianism affects the way of life beyond just the refrigerator and the store. You will not find leather clothing in a vegetarian's closet and you wont find fur there either. That is became for the most part vegetarians are aware to animal rights and they don't want to see the skin of animals used in their clothing.

The house of a vegetarian will also be a recycling house to do all that is potential to cut down on waste and to be earth friendly. Along with recycling bottles and cans as you might anticipate, a vegetarian recycles a lot right at home. A recycling home will often have a droppings pile in the yard for food waste and it will also bear a good sized garden to use that droppings to grow at home organic foods to supplement a healthy diet.

For obvious reasons, a vegetarian will have vegetarian friends and go to social groups and grace with your presence functions that hold up the vegetarian way of life. Eating out with a vegetarian will mean going to more ethnic food restaurants and you will see a lot of inspiration in how to order foods in a restaurant. But contrary to popular opinion, vegetarian eating is more sweet and diverse than the normal diet.

Just spending a day with a vegetarian will reveal to you a more musical daily activities that is receptive to the atmosphere and at quiet with itself. It is a healthy and happy lifestyle and one that should be good-looking to all of us.

Monday, February 14, 2011

What You Should To Know About Sleep Apnea & Snoring

Snoring is not a staid order itself but it's often a symptom of more serious conditions, one of which is sleep apnea. Find out more about sleep apnea and what you can do about it.

The sound of snoring is triggered by the airways in your nose and throat being to a degree or wholly blocked. It causes problems for both the snorer and anyone who sleeps with or near them.

Sleep apnea is a more grim provision that occurs when the air blockage causes you to stop breathing at least 5 times an hour, for over 10 seconds each time. Sleep apnea is a dangerous situation that can eventually lead to death.

If you're assumed of misery from sleep apnea, your doctor will place for you to have your nose and throat examined to find any evident causes of hindrance. This could include an anatomical irregularity or nasal polyps. The exam is handled with either an endoscopic exam or a CT scan.

After the early diagnosis is done you'll be sent to a sleep lab where you will endure a study of your sleeping designs.

A sleep study screens your body while you sleep. Some of the measurements that will be tracked include:

- blood oxygen levels
- blood pressure
- heart rate
- airflow
- chest & diaphragm movement
- brain activity

You'll stay overnight in a special sleep lab where these tests will be done with paraphernalia that is friendly to you while you sleep. (It's not as bad as it sounds - you will be able to sleep!)

If you're diagnosed with sleep apnea, you'll probably be told to avoid any kind of sleep medicines and alcohol. If you're overweight, you'll be recommended to lose the extra weight. You may also be told to start sleeping on your side.

These three simple things can sometimes be enough to get to the bottom of the problem.

If this is not enough to cure the problem, you may bear other sleep apnea therapies such as positive pressure ventilation, in which you will be given a tightly fitting nasal mask through which air is pumped. The amplified air pressure can help to keep your airways open.

If these treatment still don't work out the problem, you may have to undergo surgery.

Unhelpful sleep apnea (OSA) is the most universal form of the situation and generally responds to treatment. Central sleep apnea, in which there can be brain or nerve damage, is often not as alert to treatment. In these cases you may call for to treat them with drugs that stimulate your breathing.

For more information visit

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deadly Connection Between Cigarette Smoking and Back Pain

The item makes a case for the link between cigarette smoking and back pain. Preliminary research shows that plaque build-up in the arteries starve the body of oxygen and blood that is compulsory to maintain overall physical health. Aside from damage to the heart and lungs, cigarette smoking can also concern the muscular strength and vitality of a person.

Cigarette smoking has been strongly linked to a number of staid health conditions like heart sickness, emphysema, lung cancer, and other cardio ailments. This habit is liable for nearly 440,000 of more than 2.4 million premature deaths in the United States and is one of the leading causes of death around the world. The personal property of cigarette smoking has been well predictable in terms of aerobic and circulatory health is disturbed. However topical medical studies have open a link between smoking and back pain.

A choice of researches put forward that smoking may heighten the risk of mounting back pain by about 30 percent. In adding to back pain, smokers may also be susceptible to pain in the neck, shoulders, hands, elbows, knees, and hips. Though the cause of this condition is vague, one possible reason is that cigarette smoking may damage the broad musculo-skeletal (muscles and skeleton system) tissues by sinking blood supply to the tissues, raising clotting risks, and dropping the flow of nutrients to muscles, joints, and back. Heavy coughing due to cigarette smoking may also be a factor in the progress of back pain among smokers.

This damage is possible because cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemical compounds, in which 60 are carcinogenic. Formaldehyde, arsenic, cadmium, benzene, and ethylene oxide are some of the substances that may cause cancer. These substances may speed up the maturity of artherosclerosis, a illness that influences the large and medium arteries. This state damages the blood vessels making them difficult to relax. Smoking may also cause the artery walls to harden the vein walls and cause pieces of tablet to clog some arteries. Once the plate clogs the arteries, blood flow may be held back and some nutrients may be deprived to some parts of the body which includes the needle and may lead to back pain.

Studies that link cigarette smoking to back pain are not decisive and may need more studies to be verified. However, the message is clear, smokers who endure from back pain have many reasons to kick this dreaded habit. Quitting smoking may not immediately relieve the pain, but it may help. Cutting the habit may also lower the risk of rising heart diseases, diverse forms of cancer, and other ailments.

Individuals who have a hard time cutting the habit may use scientifically proven quit smoking products and substitute strategies that are available. These products however cannot do all the work, the best and efficient to quit smoking involves willpower, order, and vow to stop the habit lastingly. Using these products and participating in alternative methods can help smokers cut the habit by making them more at ease and complacent to correct to life without cigarettes. These products should not be used without the consent of health professionals because it may cause discarded side belongings to firm individuals and work together with other drugs.

People who want to quit smoking may also try other strategies of quitting smoking by trying other methods like meditation and self hypnotism. Ask your doctor on how you can engage in these actions. With the right tools and attitude, cigarette smoking can be stopped permanently.

For more information visit

Monday, February 7, 2011

Beware of What You Gust!

Smoking seems to be a part of our the world. It is addicting that too much of it can cause an assortment of health issues and even death. The smoker is not the only one that is at menace on the bad possessions of smoking, but the other people who gasp the smoke that they breathe. This article tackles the ill effects of second-hand smoke.

Did you know that wheezing one cigarette can shorten a smoker's life by 11 minutes?
Explore has shown that smoking reduces life anticipation by seven to eight years. About 90 percent of lung cancer cases and 30 percent of losses from cancer is related to smoking. Deaths related to smoking are due largely to Chronic Obstreperous Pulmonary disorder (COPD), heart diseases, and cancers. Smoking-related sickness kill about half of all smokers. In most cases, those who started smoking early also make it a life-long habit. These early smokers are also those who are most horizontal to smoking-related disorders.

Even if the ill-possessions of cigarette use are far and wide known, why do many people still continue smoke? Smoking is a hard convention to break because tobacco carries nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other paralyzing drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.

People start smoking for a mixture of different reasons. Some smoke because they think that it is the “cool” thing to do. Others get started on smoking because their family members or friends also smoke. Data show that 9 out of 10 tobacco users started smoking even before they reached 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never anticipated to become addicted. That's why people say it's just so much easier to not start smoking at all.

Many of us breathe smoke whether we like it or not. We usually inhale smoke in public places, around doorways of buildings, and at work. When someone smokes inside a home or car, everyone inside breathes second-hand smoke. When a person smokes near you, you breathe in second-hand smoke. Second hand smoke is shaped when a cigarette burns. It is made up of two machinery. One is mainstream smoke, which is what a smoker inhales and exhales. The other is called sidestream smoke and comes from the end of a burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe.

Cigarettes produce about 12 minutes of smoke, yet the smoker may breathe in only 30 seconds of smoke from their cigarette. The rest of the smoke lingers in the air for non-smokers and smokers to breathe. Second-hand smoke contains more than 4000 chemical compounds. Many of these chemical compounds are known to cause cancer.

In addition, second-hand smoke causes sore eyes, throat and nasal irritation, headaches, coughing and wheezing, nausea, and wooziness. One can also get colds and the flu. Breathing in second-hand smoke can also set-off asthma attacks and increase your chances of getting bronchitis and pneumonia. The longer you're subjected to second-hand smoke, the more it will affect your health.

The only thing that really helps a person avoid the problems related with smoking and second-hand smoke is staying smoke-free. Restrictive your publicity to secondhand smoke may seem easy, but sometimes it is not, especially if everyone around you is smoking and offering you cigarettes. One can keep his or her home and car smoke free by smoking outside. However, remember that smoke can hang back for up to two and half-hours, so opening a window or leaving the room doesn't really count.

Even the slightest publicity to second-hand smoke is dangerous. A piece of counsel for smokers: it is never too late to quit your harmful habit. By quitting smoking, you can help save other people's lives, including your own.

For more information visit

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Petite Secrets Vegetarians Know

Most people who don’t know anything about the vegetarian lifestyle think that is must be unpolluted chore being a vegetarian and giving up meat. That is a fallacy because even though meat is not a part of a vegetarian diet, it isn't about what you are going without, it is what is in your diet and in your life that makes a vegetarian lifestyle work so well. If you in point of fact interviewed a vegetarian, the last thing they would say is that they are all about not eating meat. Instead they are about living in healthy way in a way that is at quiet with the surroundings and with their own bodies.

The body of knowledge about vegetarians that most people don’t know is pretty astounding. Most people do understand the basic three factors someone becomes a vegetarian which are health, animal rights and spiritual or moral motives. But there are a number of side benefits and little techniques only vegetarians know that if they became popularized, the flood of converts to vegetarianism would be overwhelming. Some of those modest tips include…

. Vegetarians are not depressed as much as others because they know some techniques to overcoming sadness naturally.
. Vegetarians do not battle with weight difficulties as much as others.
. Vegetarians are better informed about nutrition and know how to make the most of what they eat.
. Vegetarians sleep better, are more energetic and need less sleep than meat eaters.
. Vegetarians have a much abridged incidence of cancer, heart condition and digestive problems.
. Vegetarians live longer than meat eaters.

One undisclosed vegetarians know that gets almost no squash is the power of walnuts. There is a slight known chemical in walnuts called serotonin that is a influential antidepressant. Now you can get your doctor to prescribe an reproduction anti depressant which can cost you a lot of money and put you at risk for chemical dependence. Or you can make a nice hot cup of tea with walnut as part of the mix. About half a walnut shell mixed in with your regular tea brew fills the drink with serotonin. Taken habitually, you will feel the effects of a chemical pick me up that can combat major depression very efficiently.

Another small secret of vegetarians runs beside the normal rules of dieting to get the full value of nutrients you might wait for from eating a salad. Diet theory would have you use no salad dressing or at very least a zero fat or low fat salad dressing. Vegetarians who are more in touch with the property of foods in their bodies know that the real value of eating salad are the natural nutrients in thriving vegetables called carotenoids. But science has shown us that the best way to pull cerotenoids from green vegetables is to use a higher fat salad dressing. So enjoy that fatty dressing because your vegetarian lifestyle will carry plenty of weight loss value to you even with this small treat that can do you so much good.

Speaking of tea, green tea is often a staple of a vegetarians diet because of the little health strategies buried in this fantastic drink. Green tea has powers to help your digestive coordination, help combat melancholy and to accelerate weight loss that primeval cultures like the Chinese and India have known for centuries. Vegetarians have caught up on this secret of health knowledge ahead of us so its time well learned from their knowledge .

These are just a few of the wisdom of the ancients that have been rediscovered by the modern vegetarian "craze". But it really isn't a craze because once you start living a healthy life cashing in on these many benefits a vegetarian lifestyle will give you, you will never want to go back.

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